Privacy Policy

PAW Swap Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how PAW Swap collects, uses, shares, and protects user information obtained through the,,, and websites. The terms “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to PAW Swap. When we ask for certain personal information from users it is because we are required by law to collect this information or it is relevant for specified purposes. Any additional information that you provide us with, which is not obligatory, is done so at your own discretion. Your decision to furnish us with such non-mandatory data may affect your ability to access or utilize all of our Services.

You agree to the data practices outlined in this Privacy Policy by using the Site. Periodically,

PAW Swap may update this Privacy Policy to take into account modifications to the legislation or our procedures for gathering and using personal data. This privacy statement may be amended, and any significant changes will be posted on the website and announced. Before using your information for any purpose not included in this Privacy Policy, we will obtain your consent.

In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation's (GDPR) guidelines for the processing of personal information inside the European Economic Area (EEA), we have included certain elements of the GDPR into our privacy policy.

Which types of data do we gather?

All that we gather is Service Usage Data.

We are able to track and monitor use details through your use of the PAW Swap Dex, including IP address, operating system, browser type, device identifier, and access date and time. PAW Swap may have gotten this information directly or through services provided by third parties. This information about service usage assists us in maintaining our systems so that our user interface is usable on all platforms and is useful in ensuring legal and regulatory compliance.

Additionally, we collect personal information from our contact form used for partnerships and general inquiries. This form requires users to enter their name and email address to enable us to respond to their requests.

Why does PAW Swap gather this data?

To keep up our services

In order to provide our services and confirm the identity of users, we use the information we collect. In order to verify your identity and deliver our service, we use the IP address and special identifiers kept in the cookies on your device.

To user protection

We utilize the data gathered to safeguard user accounts, archives, and our platform. In order to defend against automated abuse, including spam, phishing, and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, we use IP addresses and cookie data.

To comply with legal and regulatory requirements

Our approach to complying with regulations, governmental requests, and user-generated inquiries is informed by our respect for the privacy and security of the data you store with PAW Swap. Without first obtaining approval from our legal case team and/or the user, we will not divulge or give any personal information to outside sources.

To measure site performance

To swiftly detect and resolve problems, we closely monitor user communications and activity data from our systems.

For the purpose of preventing data loss, misuse, or alteration, PAW Swap has put in place a number of security measures. PCI scanning, Secured Sockets Layered encryption technology, pseudonymization, and internal data access controls are just a few of our data security measures. Please be aware that neither the method of electronic data storage nor 100% secure data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed. Therefore, we kindly ask that you recognize your obligation to take independent safety measures to safeguard your own personal data. Please get in touch with PAW Swap team right away if you think that your personal information has been compromised.

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